Why is Water Testing Important

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Why is Water Testing Important

Why is Water Testing Important

Did you know that water is more polluted today than it was in the previous decades? According to EPA almost 70,000 water bodies nationwide do not meet water quality standards. This is because of factory runoffs and other contaminants mixing with the water.

Yes, filtration systems have gotten better over the years. But these systems are not foolproof. Many contaminants can still bypass these and be found in your water supply.

So, if your family relies on this supply of water, you need to know whether it is safe to drink and use.

A water test can tell you about everything you need to know. But before we get into the importance of water testing, let’s first see what common water issues you can expect in your supply.

Some Common Issues Found in Water Supply

Your water supply may not be coming from a single source. For example, if you’re in Jacksonville, your water most probably comes from the Floridan Aquifer. But this Aquifer takes water from various sources. These sources will have their own contaminants, which can cause serious complications.

There are some common reasons that lead to poor water quality and critical health problems.

Industrial and agricultural runoff:

Some water reservoirs are subject to runoff from industrial and agricultural activities, which causes water to contain pesticides, metals, and other pollutants that degrade its quality.

Old water pipes:

Too many old houses have outdated water pipelines, which is the one of the main reason for the increased contamination level of the water.

Presence of contaminants in water naturally:

Some contaminants, such as radon and arsenic, are naturally present in water. If their concentration is more than the safety value, they may lead to different health issues. Therefore, proper monitoring and management are necessary to maintain them at a safe level.

Effect of poor quality of water on health

Poor water quality may contribute to different health issues. If you use this contaminated water for a short period of time, you may have diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps.

In the long term, contaminated water affects brain cells and may cause cancer, reproductive issues, and neurological problems. Therefore it is necessary to maintain the water quality for a healthy life. FYI, the National Library of Medicine discusses the health effects of contaminants in drinking water.

Some of the rare problems are occurring due to the contaminated water:

Hampered growth of children:

Contaminated water affects the growth of children, especially their mental health.

Getting Older Relatively Faster:

Contaminated water causes weakened immune systems in adults, leading to different health problems that can make them older too early.

Complications for Pregnant women:

Contaminant water may cause low fetal development, one of the possible reasons for low birth weight.

Why is water quality important for the environment?

Clean water plays a crucial role in improving the health of the ecosystem. High-quality water supports plant growth and animal life. Contaminated water has heavy metals, pesticides, and excess nitrogen and phosphorus that destroy the health of plants and cause many problems for an animal’s body.

Effect of poor quality water on a home’s structure

The home’s structure may be affected by contaminated water if it contains different corrosive substances. Water with a high level of acidity and chlorine destroys the concrete, pipes, and building materials, weakening the structure of the home.

Promote mold growth:

The mold is produced when the water infiltrates the structure of house. Mold can damage the ceiling, walls, and floor. It may also cause serious health issues such as asthma, rashes in nose, eyes, and throat, and some skin allergies.

Damage the plumbing system:

Contaminated water creates corrosion in pipelines and leads to leaks, bursts, and failure plumbing system. It can be costly to repair and cause some other critical problems in the building.

Decrease the property value:

Corrosive water can weaken the infrastructure of a home. It may be the reason for seepage, molds, and other critical problems. These problems may lead to a lower value of property.

Benefits of regular water testing

Early detection of water problems:

By continuously monitoring the water quality, homeowners may identify any problem before it becomes a critical issue. It may help prevent potential damage and costly repairs.

Peace of mind:

Safe and clean water gives you peace of mind. Regular testing of water quality by a certified home inspection company like Pro-Spect prevents you and your family from different health issues. Peace of mind extends beyond drinking water to cooking and any household activities that involve water.

Final Words:

Water is the key element to living a healthy life therefore, it is necessary to regularly test and know about the quality of water. Contaminated water may lead to different health problems, such as immune system problems, growth problems in children, etc. It’s not your family’s health that’s at risk. If you’re living with your family, you also run the risk of damaging your property’s value due to contaminated water.

Water testing can help you identify all the contaminants in your water supply so you can get those filtered out for a better, healthier life. We strongly recommend you work with a professional water testing company like Pro-Spect for reliable results.